Brida Sulteng Intensifies Stunting Mitigation Efforts in Sigi District: A Collaborative Endeavor

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Brida Sulteng Intensifies Stunting Mitigation Efforts in Sigi District: A Collaborative Endeavor

Brida Sulteng Intensifies Stunting Mitigation Efforts in Sigi District: A Collaborative Endeavor

Sulawesitoday– Brida Regional Research and Innovation Agency of Central Sulawesi Province is escalating its efforts to combat stunting in the Sigi District. Through its Division of Research, Innovation, and Regional Technology, Brida recently distributed the third phase of aid to address stunting in Simoro and Tuva Villages, Gumbasa Sub-district, Sigi District.

Collaborative Approach: Faridah Lamarauna, Head of Brida Sulteng, emphasized the collaborative effort involving various regional stakeholders to tackle the pressing issue of stunting reduction in Sigi District. Each regional department is tasked with overseeing at least two villages to mitigate stunting prevalence.

Inclusive Support: Brida, in collaboration with Tadulako University and PT Jasa Raharja, has extended assistance to Simoro Village thrice and Tuva Village twice. The third phase of aid, distributed on Saturday (9/3), included essential items such as formula milk for children aged 1-4 years, milk for pregnant women, and eggs.

Empowering Communities: Agustin Tobondo, Secretary of Brida Sulteng, expressed hope that the aid provided would contribute significantly to the improved health and stature of children. Emphasizing the importance of maternal nutrition, Tobondo highlighted the role of milk consumption in ensuring the birth of healthy babies, free from stunting indicators.

Future Endeavors: The next round of aid distribution is scheduled for 14 days after the third phase, ensuring a sustained effort in addressing the stunting challenge in Sigi District.

Data Insight: According to the 2023 Indonesia Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI), Sigi District remains the area with the highest stunting rate in Central Sulawesi, at 36.8 percent, while the overall prevalence of stunting in Central Sulawesi stands at 28.2 percent.

Through collaborative initiatives and targeted aid distribution, Brida Sulteng remains steadfast in its commitment to combat stunting, aiming to create healthier and thriving communities in Sigi District and beyond.

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